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MENTORING Program, 1-Month Extension

A Unique and Powerful Relationship to Support You to Transcend Your Obstacles and Discover and Live out of What You Truly Are!

Mentoring with Ram Giri Braun, Ph.D. is laser focused on you and your emerging higher abilities, perfected by the tested and proven Skills for Awakening® and realized through exceptional caring for your particular situation.

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MENTORING Program, 3-Month Extension

A Unique and Powerful Relationship to Support You to Transcend Your Obstacles and Discover and Live out of What You Truly Are!

Mentoring with Ram Giri Braun, Ph.D. is laser focused on you and your emerging higher abilities, perfected by the tested and proven Skills for Awakening® and realized through exceptional caring for your particular situation.

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MENTORING Program, 3 Months

A unique and powerful relationship to support you to transcend your obstacles and discover and live out of what you truly are.

Mentoring with Ram Giri, Ph.D. is laser focused on you and your emerging higher abilities, perfected by the tested and proven Skills for Awakening® and realized through exceptional caring for your particular situation.

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A meditation on the Heart

Freedom from stress, pain and suffering

How Love Heals

"People and situations do not cause you pain.
Your thoughts and emotions about them do.
You can change those reactions.
This is the key to freedom."
- Ram Giri