Important Notice and Disclaimer:
All material provided on this website is based upon the sole opinions of the maker of this website or those quoted by him and is for informational purposes only. While anyone may find the skills and practices in this course to be useful, it is offered with the understanding that the author is not giving specific medical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual advice. Nothing in this course is intended to be a diagnosis, prescription, recommendation, or cure for any specific kind of medical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual problem. Everyone’s needs are unique and need to be treated this way and no course can take such individual differences into account.
This course has been designed to enhance the healing process for individuals with serious, chronic and life-threatening physical illness and the emotional and mental disturbances that accompany such illness. It is offered in the understanding that each course member is pursuing appropriate medical treatment. It is not designed for those with serious mental disorders or related challenges who should be under the care of a licensed mental health professional. If this is your situation and you experience a worsening of symptoms, please seek immediate psychological or psychiatric help. We will be happy to give you a full refund for the course during the warranty period.
In order to use the material in this course you are required to accept it as your sole responsibility to seek the care of a qualified physician, therapist, or other competent professional, should the state of your mental, emotional and/or physical health require such care.
Thank you for your understanding.