Liberation through Love
There is no greater power to heal and transform your life than the gift and grace of unconditional love combined with clear and enlightened wisdom. This power lies hidden in the core of your being.
Through HeartSourcing®, you can activate the unwavering inner Source of happiness directly, and free your life of stress and conflict to live in deep peace and joy.
This choice can take you to true fulfillment and the liberation of your soul, by awakening the inherent awareness and great compassion of your being.
When you practice HeartSourcing it will enable you to stop being a perpetual ‘seeker’ and instead find the self-love, fulfillment, joy and connection that will end your suffering, obstacles and confusion.
What is HeartSourcing?
HeartSourcing® by Ramgiri adds the crucial missing piece to the spiritual and psychological practice of today. This overlooked, but decisive element is self-love, the direct access to the heart-essence.
In ancient times, when the methods of yoga, meditation, devotion, self-inquiry, and so on, were developed, fundamental self-love did not have to be taught, for it was simply present in the people. It is not so today, and without self-love the traditional approaches to spiritual awakening do not fully serve modern people.
While we can say that the self-doubt, self-rejection and self-hate of the modern mind are a great obstacle, we can also recognize that this represents an enormous opportunity. This deficiency sets the stage for us to realize the true nature of love: that we have the Source in us, that we are both the giver and receiver of love, the lover and the beloved in one – and how that makes opening to, and staying in love absolutely safe!
With HeartSourcing you will learn how you can love deeply without the possibility of being hurt. The discovery of the unlimited inner Source removes the greatest obstacle from the path of the soul, the fear of being hurt by opening the heart, and it enables you to live in unwavering love for yourself and all things.
This in turn sets the stage for the maturation of the personality and the full, effortless realization of the lucid space of enlightenment. You discover in the blissful core of your being the natural timeless awareness, the universal freedom of the indestructible heart essence. This is “awakened mind,” experienced as the unsurpassable, majestic heart essence that is the Source of everything.
The skills of HeartSourcing (Open Attention, The Work, Meditation, etc.) serve to purify and stabilize the mind and release it into non-dual perception. With that a unified stream of emotional balance, clarity of mind, inner peace, and harmony with life becomes effortless and permanent.
A 3-Month Mentoring Program
In this focused, intensive and joyful 3-Month Mentoring Program you will gain the necessary skills to live your life from the perspective of the Divine within you. I will support you day-by-day as you learn how to permanently overcome your personal challenges, to love, heal and nurture yourself, and greatly improve your relationships and your life-situation.
For thousands of years practical life-changing wisdom, love, and deep insight have been transmitted in such a close teacher-student relationship. It will lead you toward fulfilling the calling of your highest Self.
Beyond anything I treasure the trust and the commitment of my students to their awakening. Every day I see them accomplish amazing progress as they learn to deal competently with their unique situation.
Because of the intimate nature of this program, I work with only a few individuals at a time. If you are interested please sign up below and together we will determine if this program is right for you.
“Deep within lies a real and everlasting joy. A human being is born to dive deep into the stream of life, find the hidden treasure, and attain eternal fulfillment.”
– (Srimad Bhagavatam)
Read Ramgiri’s Ramgiri’s BIO.
True Happiness Is Your Birthright.
As you know, true Happiness is much more than improved functioning or the fulfillment of momentary desires. It is to be ability to be fully present in each moment in genuine contentment, dependable inner peace, and with an open and joyous heart.
This is how the exhilarating joy that arises from the core of your being can fill your world.
Even though all beings want to be happy, only few know how to realize this fundamental desire.
Despite your high aspiration, do you get caught up in obstacles that take you into a low state of mind? Do you fall into difficult moods, negative thinking, worry, anger, hopelessness, grief, or resentments?
We must not flee or repress difficult states, but become free of them once and for all. To see through the web of worries, regrets and frustrations takes keen insight and deep Self-love – and we haven’t been taught either one.
Have no doubt: you have within you the capacity to end your internal and external struggles and live in unwavering harmony, wisdom and unconditional love.
When I say love, I mean an unlimited state of being, pristine and complete. It is available to you. It is the Reality present in the inner core of every Heart.
I know from my own experience that the gifts of the spirit are glorious and immense, and I live to share with you how you can access them.
“The highest happiness is when one reaches the state of liberation,
at which there is no more suffering.”
– HH. The Dalai Lama
“It is your birthright to be one with this Source of absolute love that is the authentic nature of your soul.”
– Ramgiri
The Approach.
In many decades of studying with enlightened teachers and helping countless people through the practice of psychology, I have learned that finding fulfillment is much simpler than we think. We already have in us everything we need, but we cannot see it until it is shown to us.
What matters is this: if we are devoted to finding the sacred within us, our lives become sacred. In this awakening, our everyday existence is the perfect circumstance for the discovery of our timeless Self.
Central to this is what is already sacred in us: the Heart.
Your spiritual Heart is the already present Source of the essence of what you are seeking. It is the gateway to your true Self, the inner guru, the presence of God within you. It is the Birthplace of the highest Wisdom and all-embracing Love. And it is available to you at all times.
In HeartSourcing:
- We create a powerful habit of living in the inspiration of the Love within us, and
- We diligently remove everything that obstructs the light of our being and causes us suffering.
This is how your life can instantly become transformed: When you recognize that every moment is an opportunity to live in the Heart-essence that radiates from your core and that you can free yourself of anything that burdens you.
What you need to know for this exciting way to live is easy-to-learn and to practice. In the mentoring process we will identify the specific skills that will serve you best. You will learn and use them daily so they become second nature to you and can serve you for the rest of your life.
We will pay meticulous attention to your exact needs. This may lead us to specific and practical approaches to meditation, to clearing your mind of stressful thoughts with “The Work of Byron Katie,” to bring your emotions and relationships into harmony with “Open Attention,” or to enriching your understanding through oral transmission of the sublime spiritual psychology of the Higher Mind.
Changes and the ups and downs of life will continue to come, but when you know the stability and absolute joy of your Heart, it will allow you to dance with life in a much more skillful way on the way to the end of your suffering.
“The Heart is the only Reality.
The mind is only a transient phase.
To remain as one’s Self is to
enter the Heart.”
– Ramana Maharshi
What Students Are Saying…
“I feel like the sun has started to shine through the fog that I have been living in all of my life. The amazing & breathtaking feeling of peace, beauty & wholeness … gives me hope & faith that there is another way. I had the most beautiful feeling of warmth surrounding me… something I’ve never felt before. I am filled with gratitude and feel unbelievably blessed.”
– Leslie“You have been invaluable in teaching me how to keep my thinking clear and aligned with my passion. This helps me get free of stress and communicate the great excitement I feel about my company. I find I’m no longer distracted by this emotional thinking. My company is performing excellently. I see my clarity at the core of it all.”
– Bill
What You Will Learn
in the 3-Month Mentoring Program.
> STAGE1: Self-awareness & The Seed Of Unconditional Self-love
We begin by taking a new, revitalizing look at you and your situation from the perspective of your Higher Self, so you can attain the best possible vision for your life. It will bring you clarity about:
- your most important goals,
- your present strengths,
- the challenges you face, and
- what you need to gain true fulfillment.
It is the direct way to free yourself of what burdens you personally, in your work and your relationships.
Most importantly you will be initiated into HeartSourcing, which will open to you the deepest resource of your being.
- It will awaken your Heart-Wisdom, the brilliance and peace of your enlightened nature.
- This empowerment brings the ability to dissolve your obstructions from the inside out.
- It puts you into the direct transmission lineage of the unconditional love of Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba, one of the greatest sages of our time.
> STAGE 2: Learn New Skills For Peace Of Mind And Deep Aliveness
Next you will learn those essential practices that are best suited to you to free you of negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
We will choose them carefully from the vast storehouse of contemporary and ancient wisdom and begin to quickly dissolve the roots of your suffering. Whether it’s a new way of:
Meditation, The Work of Byron Katie, Open Attention, Devotion, Self-Inquiry, or more,
These Skills are easy-to-learn, essential and direct. We will help you fit your practice into your busy life so it becomes second nature to you and will serve you for the rest of your life.
This will lead you to realize that there is a higher purpose to all your personal challenges. By resolving your problems skillfully, each one becomes a step on the ladder that takes you from darkness into the light of your being. Overcoming fear will bring you to fearlessness, anger to harmony, self-hate to Self-love, and so on.
With each successful step you will come to realize how everything serves to bring you closer to your life’s goal. This takes you to the end of struggle and to increasingly unchanging inner peace.
> STAGE 3: Master And Enjoy Your Life From Moment To Moment
This is the most substantial part of the program. It is the practical, day-to-day application of your new knowledge.
By dissolving the painbody – your habitual patterns of confusion and suffering – you come to experience the peace and brilliance of the true Self. As you apply your new awareness and skills to your real life-situations, tensions and stress will release and give you increasing access to the higher consciousness and love at the core of your being.
Through your ongoing practice you will find fearlessness, security, clarity of mind, inner joy and self-love. It will improve your relationships and help you make peace with any source of stress, like money, your body or your relationships.
Through your ongoing experience of HeartSourcing, you will become increasingly aware of the power of your Heart-Essence, the direct taste of your higher Self. It is the growing combination of deep insight into your true nature with all-embracing compassion and unconditional love. HeartSourcing allows it to unfold effortlessly from within.
> STAGE 4: Live In The Clarity And Grace Of Your Open Heart
We complete the program by preparing you to skillfully address any new challenge that may arise in the secure knowledge that it can only be a gift that will awaken you further. With that awareness the path of your life becomes peaceful. You can look forward to whatever life brings, because you know it can only be good.
This opens a space for deep trust and gratitude. It awakens the inner teacher, the intuitive intelligence of the wisdom mind, united with the power of the awakened Heart. It leads to the unification of your being in the peace and the joy that are your birthright.
Nothing compares with the thrill of the internal discovery of the essential glory of your Self. The nature of your mind is peace, and the nature of your Heart is all-encompassing love. Once found, this state communicates itself effortlessly to the people around you.
By polishing the mirror of your Heart, the “I” becomes translucent and you discover yourself as the truly happy and free being you always wanted to be. With that you are changing your world. I believe this is the most important thing we are here to do.
Effective skills are highly important, but not enough. True spiritual practice must prepare you to receive grace, which arises from the core of your being.
The greatest gift of this 3-Month Mentoring Program is the opportunity to nurture a meaningful relationship with a personal mentor focused on helping you experience this transmission of grace. This relationship both blesses and opens you to the irresistible force of the Heart-intelligence that will set you free.
It is an opportunity to leave behind conflicts and obstacles that have hurt you for most of your life and have obstructed your way to the freedom you yearn for.
“I wanted to be living in the now, but I did not have the necessary tools to keep myself here. The more I use the Skills, the more my periods of anxiety and confusion become shorter. The Skills lead me closer to the joy of my true nature.”Ram Giri, you have helped me grow/heal/love more than any one person in my life. I am so thankful to be able to hear you, see you, and be in your presence.”
– Penny Marshal“HeartSourcing is amazing! It completely changed me. There is a clear ‘before’ and ‘after’ HeartSourcing in my life. Through the practice I’ve become a lot more present and open to love. It opened a door to a shortcut that guided me to become what Itruly am: love. And I think this is what freedom is: to become what we truly are. This strong “love wind” is a flood of gratitude.”
– Sol Alonso
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung