Rising up to Supreme Love
We are excited to announce our April 27 – 30, 2017 all-inclusive Retreat at Kashi Ashram in Sebastian, FL, Ramgiri’s home for 25 years. We hope that you will join us for a deep-reaching Bhakti Yoga retreat in this hidden oasis. Kashi is a peaceful, bio-diverse and lush paradise in Florida.
Guided by Ramgiri and Durga
Through HeartSourcing®, chanting, story telling, ritual, meditation, yoga, satsang and feasting we will evoke the sacred presence of the divine Beloved in us and as us. You will plant, cultivate and celebrate the root of Self-love to heal and nurture yourself. This wholeness will effortlessly repair and enhance relationships and touch others in your world.
Para-bhakti, Supreme Love, the sublime fruit of Devotion, is the invigorating love all beings yearn for, where the lover and the Divine Beloved are One in you in the timeless bliss of the heart. It is the taste of your real Self.
HeartSourcing® is a powerful way to free yourself of your ego programming in the vast and kind presence of absolute forgiveness, embodied in the divine Beloved who is your true, timeless identity. In this way you become part of the mystical heart of universal love. It will free you of fear, because in this love you cannot be hurt. And you can have this love at any time; you cannot lose it because it is the very Source of your being.
This long-weekend retreat is designed for anyone who feels a yearning for understanding and experiencing love in a much deeper way. We will get there through song and ritual, and by directly nurturing us from the hridayam, the core of the heart. In this devotional mood we will spend time in silence and contemplation while being surrounded by nature.
Personal support and mentoring by Ramgiri and Durga to help you in your quest is also available.
• 3 nights/4 days accommodation in the beautiful and quiet settings of Kashi Ashram
• Morning Hatha Yoga on Ganga Ma, the sacred lake of Kashi
• Yoga Nidra sessions, a practice for deep relaxation
• Special Homa Ritual (fire ceremony) with Mantra recitation, a healing and empowering practice
• Daily teachings by Ramgiri
• Daily Satsang, community of love with Q&A’s
• Kirtan, devotional singing
• Healthy, delicious vegetarian meals made by Kashi Ashram’s chef Swami Rudra Das. Rudra’s Kitchen uses the highest quality ingredients, hand–crafted with care and love.
• Time alone to be in nature exploring the ashram grounds, journaling, contemplating or simply walking!
* The accommodations at Kashi Ashram are simple and welcoming. Lodging will be of a shared bathrooms style, except where noted. If you need a greater sense of privacy, Kashi will do their best to satisfy that.
* Please bring your yoga mat and meditation cushion. Also a notebook/diary to take notes and to journal.
Some pictures from our last retreat…
• SPECIAL BONUS: As a participant in this retreat we will offer you a $200 discount to join one (1) of our three (3) 2-week HeartSourcing® Immersion Retreats in Kainchi Dham, India during September and October 2017. Kainchi Dham in the foothills of the Himalayas is the home of the sacred ashram of Neem Karoli Baba, Maharaji, one of the greatest masters of bhakti yoga in our time.
Thursday April 27, 2017
3 – 4pm Arrive, Check In, Explore & Enjoy Kashi Grounds
4 – 5pm Program Begins
5 – 6:30pm Dinner
6:30 – 7:30pm Kashi Ashram Tour
7:30 – 9pm Program Session
Friday 28 & Saturday 29
7 – 8am Program Session
8 – 9am Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30am Program Session
12 – 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 – 3pm Relaxing time
3 – 5pm Program Session
5 – 6:30pm Dinner
7 – 8:30pm Program Session
Sunday April 30th, 2017
7 – 8am Program Session
8 – 9am Breakfast
9:30 – 11:30am Program Session
12 – 1:30pm Lunch
2 – 3pm Closing Session
*Presenters reserve the discretion to make minor changes to the schedule if necessary.